
Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's that time again....

Finally, it's my favorite time of the year! Halloween is right around the corner. Living in Texas its always a hit or miss with fall weather, usually its unseasonably warm or flat out freezing. I'm praying for a true fall this year (please!!); the open your windows, hoody and jean wearing, cider and cocoa drinking, fire in the fireplace, leaves blowing, I think I need a blanket kind of weather. It's already the end of September, which means its time to get the fall/Halloween home goodies out....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a K with a crown...

This project I actually completed back in the summer, but just realized I had never posted it to my blog and its way too awesome not to share. Oops!! Its probably one of my favorite crafts I have learned lately, and had so much fun creating it with Becky (my mother-in-law) and Jamie (my hubby's aunt). Amazing what a little wood stain, glue, glass beads, and bling will create.....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's been way too hot!

Omg, it has been way to hot lately!! This past holiday weekend, I spent most of the time trying to redeem our yard's worthiness. It is simply a total mess. We just haven't had the time, and kind of have been a little lazy too, to do our yard like we used to. So, while the neighbors are out watering twice a day and de-weeding all the time, I just simply mow over my weeds. Yup, I believe Martha Stewart and HGTV, that its not always necessary to get rid of all your weeds as they attract Birds, Bees, and Butterflies ( or as I like to call them, the Weed B's). But I don't really have an excuse for letting my nicely done flower beds, that came with our nicely built home, go all scraggly. So, I made it my mission on my long weekend to clean them up a bit. Its amazing how a little bit of fresh mulch does a world of difference......