
Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's that time again....

Finally, it's my favorite time of the year! Halloween is right around the corner. Living in Texas its always a hit or miss with fall weather, usually its unseasonably warm or flat out freezing. I'm praying for a true fall this year (please!!); the open your windows, hoody and jean wearing, cider and cocoa drinking, fire in the fireplace, leaves blowing, I think I need a blanket kind of weather. It's already the end of September, which means its time to get the fall/Halloween home goodies out....

This year I have decided to attempt to make my own wreath. I have seen sooooo many cute ideas on Pinterest, but honestly was too lazy to remake any of them. I had a quick fix idea to make a wreath with black feathers. But the more I thought about it all black wouldn't really show up well on my black door, so I thought maybe try orange. While surfing eBay for feathers, I came across an awesome orange chandelle boa with black tips; making the perfect Halloween look and still getting to use black. I thought I would add some spice to it, maybe a crow or some wood letters, a little glitter possibly. All these crazy ideas were flowing until I actually put the wreath together. I decided I actually liked the simple fluffiness, without anything extra added, more than I thought I would. The only finishing touch it needed was a bow to hang it with, and thankfully a sweet friend of mine taught me how to make bows back in the day. (Thanks Rosie!! Lol, the good times we had at work making bows!!) So, I finally got my wreath hung and my pillows out on the porch, and I absolutely love it!

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