
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Two New Ends

I am loving my "new" coffee table, and my old end tables just did not all! The new mission was to find old table I could turn "new". Thanks to Becky, I have a beautiful old set of end tables that go perfectly with the coffee table. She found them for me at an estate sale, and they were definitely granny'ish.

Lacquer That!!

Ok, so I have a ton of nail polish and no where to keep them all!! Yea, collecting polish is kind of an addiction of mine. Especially OPI, not only do they have delicious colors but I absolutely love all the fun and funky names they give them. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

"It's New to Me"

I finally took my first vacation day this past Friday from my new job, which I started back in the summer. I of course spent the morning garage selling!! Oh how I have missed it so much, I haven't gotten to do in a long while. It kind of a ended up being a bummer day for garage sales in our area, but I did manage to find a steal of a deal on a nice coffee table. It's solid wood and over sized, and the best part it was only $15 bucks. I figured I could slap a new color on it and it would fit nicely in my home, and that's exactly what it has done.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's that time again....

Finally, it's my favorite time of the year! Halloween is right around the corner. Living in Texas its always a hit or miss with fall weather, usually its unseasonably warm or flat out freezing. I'm praying for a true fall this year (please!!); the open your windows, hoody and jean wearing, cider and cocoa drinking, fire in the fireplace, leaves blowing, I think I need a blanket kind of weather. It's already the end of September, which means its time to get the fall/Halloween home goodies out....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a K with a crown...

This project I actually completed back in the summer, but just realized I had never posted it to my blog and its way too awesome not to share. Oops!! Its probably one of my favorite crafts I have learned lately, and had so much fun creating it with Becky (my mother-in-law) and Jamie (my hubby's aunt). Amazing what a little wood stain, glue, glass beads, and bling will create.....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's been way too hot!

Omg, it has been way to hot lately!! This past holiday weekend, I spent most of the time trying to redeem our yard's worthiness. It is simply a total mess. We just haven't had the time, and kind of have been a little lazy too, to do our yard like we used to. So, while the neighbors are out watering twice a day and de-weeding all the time, I just simply mow over my weeds. Yup, I believe Martha Stewart and HGTV, that its not always necessary to get rid of all your weeds as they attract Birds, Bees, and Butterflies ( or as I like to call them, the Weed B's). But I don't really have an excuse for letting my nicely done flower beds, that came with our nicely built home, go all scraggly. So, I made it my mission on my long weekend to clean them up a bit. Its amazing how a little bit of fresh mulch does a world of difference......

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ghost Stripes

Ok, so I have a huge long wall in the back of my house which you can see as soon as you come in the front door (i have an open layout floor plan), and i have been dying to spice it up somehow. So i have been seeing stripes lately in home magazines and Pinterest, so i decided to give it a shot. In my mind i had visioned large horizontal stripes in a color that was pretty close to what was already up there but in a glossy since what is on there is flat. I wanted the stripes to be subtle, but eye catching at the same time. So, i made a trip to Lowes (my absolute favorite store, would rather have a shopping spree there over any shoe or clothing store!!). I swear every time i go in that store i feel like i have ADD or something and my mind goes crazy with all kinds of ideas.  I came home with about 20 paint swatches to try and match the color of my walls, and out of those 20 only 1 did!! So, Flax it was....

Lowes is awesome!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Bored Butterflies

Well this little quick craft was due to mostly boredom. I have a super cute Martha Stewart monarch butterfly punch and wanted to make something with it. So i decided to take some of her glittery hairy yarn (in bright green) and wrap it around a floral wreath and pin lots of little butterflies i punched on glittery colored paper.....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Start of Spring

Finally, its Spring around here! Love the smell of cut grass and the sight of freshly planted flowers, the neighborhood is looking so nice. One of these days I will turn my thumbs green and plant some flowers in my landscape, but for now the Hawthorne bushes and shrubs will have to do. I did however make some super cute and spring'y pillows for my porch.....
Super fun and cute spring like fabric

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Softball Blanket

It's finally here, the start of softball season!! Last season Pirates (yes we are green this season) were undefeated, and "argh" we kicked a lot of booty! haha. Hoping this season is as eventful and fun as all the past seasons.

I really enjoy making these rag quilts, so i figured i would throw together a Pirates softball girly inspired blanket, but make a light and soft version since the cold is well behind us and its on to spring (well, i guess more like summer around here since it just seems to get so HOT!) I used the awesomely soft dot material for the back, which i have yet to do seeing as its so stinking expensive and rarely is on sale...but finally it was 50% off so i couldnt pass up getting it!!

I believe this is my favorite blanket i have made yet, next to my Halloween one of course!! ;o)